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Ayurveda, The Science of Life

Individual consultations and training workshops
"How to know one’s self and know others better, in all aspects of life (physical, mental, and spiritual), through the millennial medicine of Ayurveda"

Through a series of questionnaires and tests, we determine your mental and physical constitution, known as the three doshas: are you more of an airy vata, a fiery pitta, or an earthy kapha?


We also determine your psycho-spiritual constitution, i.e. the distribution of the three forces of nature, (gunas), within you: is it more tamas (inertia), rajas (passion), or sattva (harmony) which predominate in you?

We are the product of various combinations of doshas and gunas, which determine our personality as well as our physical, mental and spiritual health.

This thorough assessment is very important to understand our weaknesses and strengths. It is followed by personalized advice and therapies to restore and maintain a healthy and balanced lifestyle.


To learn more and receive an ayurvedic consultation,
please email

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